Update Bootnodes

Updating Boot Nodes in minervaRaw.json

This guide details how to update the boot nodes in the minervaRaw.json file using a provided script. The script reads boot nodes from a bootnodes.txt file and inserts them into the JSON configuration.

Updating the boot nodes in the minervaRaw.json file ensures your blockchain network connects to the correct initial nodes. This is crucial for maintaining proper network functionality and connectivity.

Steps to Update Boot Nodes

Step 1: Make the Script Executable

Navigate to the directory containing your files and make the update_bootnodes.sh script executable by running the following command:

chmod +x update_bootnodes.sh

Step 2: Run the Script

Execute the script to update the boot nodes in the minervaRaw.json file:


Step 3: Verify the Changes

After running the script, open the minervaRaw.json file to ensure that the boot nodes have been correctly inserted.

Example of minervaRaw.json Before and After Running the Script

Before Running the Script

  "name": "ArgoChain",
  "id": "argochain",
  "chainType": "Live",
  "bootNodes": [],
  "telemetryEndpoints": [
  "protocolId": null,
  "properties": {
    "tokenDecimals": 18,
    "tokenSymbol": "AGC"

Assuming the bootnodes.txt file contains:


After Running the Script

The minervaRaw.json file would be updated to:

  "name": "ArgoChain",
  "id": "argochain",
  "chainType": "Live",
  "bootNodes": [
  "telemetryEndpoints": [
  "protocolId": null,
  "properties": {
    "tokenDecimals": 18,
    "tokenSymbol": "AGC"

Follow these steps to update the boot nodes in your minervaRaw.json file using the script provided. This will help your blockchain network connect to the correct initial nodes.

Last updated